Leverage awesome content

Content marketing is about far more than generating blog articles or informative videos. It’s about creating content, in a multitude of forms, which speaks to your target audience early in the buying cycle (or before it’s even begun).

Then it’s about nourishing the audience through consecutive pieces of content and advertising messages, until they’re prepare to make a decision. The fostering of this relationship inaugurate you as an authority on the subject with your audience.

The many forms of content

Here are some of the types of content we create for our clients.
  • Articles

    Well analysed, professionally written and informative posts from 500 - 1500 words

  • Listicles

    A accumulated list of items, with a paragraph of information about each. It could list causes to do something, tips/hacks, or something else that's useful to the business.

  • Checklists

    Can be used either as a page in its own right, or can be used as a downloadable resource for an article. These can be extremely successful as an email capture for the right topic/client.

  • Ebooks

    An increasingly popular resource that can be produced for clients from both an SEO and email marketing mindset.

  • Infographics

    Visual representation of accurate and/or interesting information that is compatible with your audience. Highly shareable on social media

  • Timeline

    A timeline is a visual representation of the phase a product/service/event has gone through over a period of time.

It starts with analysis

Before we write a single word or draw an image, we’ll analyse your audience, data and competition to understand what type of content will work best on your target audience, as well as how and when to reach to them. This not only ensures that we create engaging, relevant content but also gives us an idea of how and where we’ll endorse it before it’s even been written.
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Promotion is key

Each piece of content has a rare promotion strategy. The form that the content takes will help to define which platforms and techniques are used to promote it. Some that we use are:

Facebook and Instagram

Some pieces grant themselves well to being posted directly onto social media platforms to build engagement.

Influencer marketing

Finding the right authority to promote on your behalf can help you reach an audience far greater than your own

Manual outreach

For some content types, nothing beats speaking to a real person and query if they’re interested in it.

Native content advertising

Adverts within external articles are known to have a remarkably higher click-through-rate

Viral sharing loops

The right type of content can boost or even reward further promotion by those who have consumed it.

Email marketing

Your email database is one of your biggest benefit and most pieces of content can be used to build on existing relationships.

YouTube and video amplification

Often spurned despite being the second biggest social media platform, Youtube videos have huge potential to educate and enlist your audience.

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These companies already use our winning strategies

Check out some of the companies we've helped succeed online

Let’s talk to your soul’s content

If you’re interested to discover more then just fill in the details and our experts will be happy to answer any queries you have about how we can help you make content marketing a part of your marketing strategy.
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